суббота, 23 ноября 2013 г.

Топик - Travelling to England.

Топик Travelling to England.

One of these days you may find it possible to visit England. From the moment you go on board the ship that is to take you to an English port, or the airliner that is to fly you to London, you will see signs and notices that will give you useful information and warnings.
Here are some examples and explanations that will help you.

If you come by air, you will see, when you take your seat in the plane, a notice that says: NO SMOKING; FASTEN SEAT-BELTS. Smoking is forbidden while the plane is on the ground, while it is taking off, and until it has risen to a good height. Fasten to the sides of your seat are two leather belts or straps. The ends of these must be fastened together so that the belt is across your lap.
When the plane is well up in the air, the light behind this notice is switched off. You are then allowed to smoke and may unfasten your seat-belt. The notice will appear again when the plane is about to touch down.

If you come by steamer, you will see numerous notices. There will perhaps be arrows to show you which parts of the ship are for first-class passengers and which parts are for tourists-class passengers. Large rooms in a ship are called saloons, so when you see DINING-SALOON you know where to go when it is time for lunch.

You may see a notice TO THE BOAT DECK. This is the deck where you will find the boats that can be lowered to the water if there is any danger of the ship sinking. On the boat deck you may see some steps going up to the bridge, where the ship’s officers are on duty. Here there will probably be a notice: PASSENGERS NOT ALLOWED ON THE BRIDGE.

When your steamer gets into harbor at Dover, or Harwich, or Southampton, or any of the other ports to which steamers sail, you will see more notices.

When you land, you will see a notice: TO THE CUSTOMS. When you enter the Customs shed the officer there will give you a printed notice. This will warn you that you must declare to the Customs officer the quantities of tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and alcoholic drinks that you have with you. Unless you are dishonest, the Customs officer will not keep you long. He will chalk your suitcases and bags, and you will pass on. There will be a notice telling you where your passport will be examined. Then you can follow the arrow that says, TO THE TRAINS, and you will soon be in the railway station where the train is waiting to take you to London.

There are many notices in a large railway station. You may see ENTRANCE and EXIT, or perhaps WAY IN and WAY OUT. In a large station there will be a WAITING ROOM where you may rest until it is time to board your train. If you want something to eat or drink while you are waiting, you will go to the REFRESHMENT ROOM.

If you do not know the number of the platform from which your train will leave, look for the notices of ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. These will tell you the number of the platform. In some stations it may be necessary to cross the line. You will probably see a notice, CROSS THE LINE BY THE BRIDGE. Perhaps you will see PLATFORMS 5,6,7, and 8 OVER THE BRIDGE.
(from A.S. Horhby)
Список слов к топику Travelling to England

warning – предупреждение, предостережение
explanations – объяснения
smoking is forbidden – купить запрещается
leather belts – кожаные ремни
quantity – количество

Топик - Travelling.

Топик Travelling.

Modern life is impossible without travelling. True, we often get tired of the same surroundings and daily routine. Hence some relaxation is essential to restore our mental and physical resources. That is why the best place of relaxation, in my opinion, is the one where you have never been before. And it is by means of travelling that you get to that place.

To understand how true it is you’ve got to go to a railway station, a sea or a river port or an airport. There you are most likely to see hundreds of people hurrying to board a train, a ship or a plane.
To be on the safe side and to spare yourself the trouble of standing long hours in the line, you’d better book tickets in advance. All you have to do is to ring up the airport or the railway station bookin office and they will send your ticket to your place. And, of course, before getting off you have to make your preparations. You should settle all your business and visit your friends and relatives. On the eve of your departure comes you call a taxi and go to the airport or the railway station.

For some time you stay in the waiting-room. If you are hungry you take some refreshments. In some time the loud speaker announces that the train or the plane is in and the passengers are invited to take their seats. If you travel by train you find your carriage, enter the corridor and find your berth. It may be a lower berth, which is more convenient or an upper one. You put your suitcase into a special box under the lower seat. Then you arrange your smaller packages on the racks. In some the train starts off. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see the country you are travelling through and enjoy the beautiful nature. It may be an express train or a passenger one. There is no doubt it’s much more convenient to travel by an express train, because it does not stop at small stations and it takes you less time to get to your destination.
But if you are in a hurry and want to save your time you’d better travel by plane, because it is the fastest way of travelling. After the procedure of registration you board the plane at last. You sit down in comfortable armchair and in a few minutes you are already above the clouds. The land can be seen below between the clouds and it looks like a geographical map. After the plane gained its regular height the stewardess brings in some mineral water. You can sit and read a book or a magazine, look through the window to watch the passing clouds change their color from white to black.

Some people prefer to travel by ship when possible. A sea voyage is very enjoyable, indeed. But to my mind the best way of travelling is by car. The advantages of this way of spending your holiday are that you don’t have to buy a ticket, you can stop wherever you wish, where there is something interesting to see. And for this reason travelling by car is popular for pleasure trips while people usually take a train or a plane when they are travelling on business.
When you get tired of relaxation, you become home-sick and feel like returning home. You realize that “East or West – home is best”, as the saying goes.

Список слов к топику Travelling
surrounding – окрестности, среда
routine – определенный режим, заведенный порядок, рутина
hence – отсюда, итак
relaxation – отдых от работы, передышка, уменьшение напряжения, развлечение
to be essential – быть необходимым
to restore – восстанавливать, возмещать, возрождать
railway station – железнодорожный вокзал
airport – аэропорт
to board a train (ship, etc.) – сесть на поезд (корабль и т.д.)
train – поезд
ship – корабль, судно, пароход
plane – самолет
to be on the safe side – на всякий случай
to spare oneself the trouble of – избавить себя от хлопот
to stand in the line – стоять в очереди
in advance – заблаговременно
to make one’s preparations – готовиться, делать приготовления
to settle one’s business – утрясать дела
on the eve – накануне
to pack – укладывать вещи, паковаться
suitcase – чемодан
departure – отъезд, отправление
waiting-room – зал ожидания
to announce – сообщать
passenger – пассажир
carriage – вагон
berth – место (для лежания)
package – пакет, сверток
rack – сетка
destination – место назначения; цель (путешествия)
to be in a hurry – спешить, торопиться
procedure – процедура
height – высота
for this reason – по этой причине
to become home-sick – скучать по дому
to feel like returning home – хотеть вернуться домой

Supplementary Word List and Word Combinations
Travelling by Train. Путешествие поездом.
a railway ticket, railroad ticket – железнодорожный билет
one-way ticket, single ticket – билет в один конец
return ticket – обратный билет
round trip ticket – билет туда и обратно
ticket machine – автомат по продаже билетов
reduced fare ticket – льготный билет
child’s ticket – детский билет
first class ticket – билет в первом классе
adult fare – стоимость билета для взрослого
child fare – стоимость детского билета
single fare -  стоимость одного билета
to get in line for a ticket – становиться в очередь за билетом
to buy ticket in advance – купить билет заранее
fare – плата за проезд
carriage, car – вагон
smoking car – вагон для курящих
luggage-van – грузовой вагон
car for non-smokers – вагон для некурящих
sleeping car – спальный вагон
dining-car, restaurant car – вагон-ресторан
cancellation – возврат билета
train station, railroad station, railway station – вокзал (железнодорожный)
arrivals and departures board, time-table
board – доска расписаний
train times – расписание движения поездов
ticket office – билетная касса
compartment – купе
ticket collector – контролер
change of trains, transfer – пересадка
to change trains – делать пересадку
to go by train – ехать на поезде
to catch the train – успеть на поезд
to miss the train – опоздать на поезд
train schedule – расписание движения поездов
porter, red cap (am.) – носильщик
track – путь, колея
fast train – скорый поезд
slow train – обычный почтово-пассажирский поезд
passenger train – пассажирский поезд
long distance train (a sleep train) – поезд дальнего следования
local train – пригородный поезд
through train – поезд прямого сообщения

Travelling by Plane. Путешествие на самолете.
pilot – пилот, летчик
mechanic – борт-механик
cockpit – место летчика в кабине
stewardess, flight attendant – бортпроводник(ца)
call button – кнопка вызова бортпроводника(цы)
excess luggage – лишний вес
to pay for excess luggage – платить за лишний вес
airline – воздушная линия
to take-off – взлетать
altitude – высота
window seat – место у иллюминатора
aisle seat – место у прохода
flight – полет
non-stop flight – беспосадочный полет
boarding – посадка (на самолет)
landing – посадка, приземление
unscheduled stop – вынужденная посадка
boarding pass – посадочный талон
check-in – регистрация пассажиров
check-in desk (counter) – стойка регистрации
domestic flight – рейс на внутренних линиях
direct flight – прямой рейс
shuttle flight – челночный рейс
seat belt – ремень безопасности
to fasten a seat belt – застегнуть ремень безопасности
air sickness – воздушной болезнью
aircraft – авиация, самолет
to circle over the airfield – кружить над посадочным полем аэродрома
to taxi over the airfield – рулить, выруливать на старт
scheduled flight – рейс по расписанию
delayed fight – рейс с опозданием

A Sea Voyage. Морское путешествие.
quay – причал, набережная (для причала судов)
to moor – пришвартовывать(ся), стать на якорь
gangway – трап
deck – палуба
steward – стюард, дежурный по каютам
forward – носовая часть судна
aft – кормовая часть судна
amid ship – середина судна
harbor – порт, гавань
dock – причал
pitch – килевая качка
roll – бортовая качка
to be sea-sick – страдать морской болезнью
to be bad (good) sailor – плохо (хорошо) переносить морские путешествия
to weigh anchor – отходить, сниматься с якоря
captain’s bridge – капитанский мостик
steerage – закрытая палуба
lounge – салон
captain – капитан (корабля)
mate – штурман, помощник капитана
lighthouse – маяк
hold – трюм
liner – рейсовый пароход
boat – лодка, пароход
sailing ship – парусное судно
river steamer – речной пароход
cargo-ship – грузовой корабль
steamer – пароход
life-boat – спасательная лодка
to change for a boat – пересесть на лодку (пароход)
anchor – якорь
to cast the anchor – бросать якорь
to raise the anchor – сниматься с якоря
to be (to lie) at anchor – стоять на якоре
crew – экипаж корабля
cruise – путешествие по морю (с целью отдыха и развлечения)
to take a cruise – совершать путешествие по морю

Luggage. Багаж.
a lot of (much) luggage – много багажа
hand luggage – ручной багаж
heavy luggage – тяжелый багаж
a left-luggage office – камера хранения
a luggage receipt – багажная квитанция
to leave one’s luggage in the left-luggage office – оставить вещи в камере хранения
to deposit one’s luggage – сдать на хранение багаж
to collect one’s luggage – взять багаж (из камеры хранения)
to register one’s luggage – сдать вещи в багаж
to have one’s luggage labeled – прикрепить ярлык
to have one’s luggage checked – проверить наличие мест, содержимое багажа
luggage rack – сетка для багажа
luggage van – багажный вагон
Lost and Found – бюро находок
luggage claim check – багажная бирка

Топик - Meals.

Топик Meals

The hospitality of the Ukrainian people is well-known throughout the world.

When a foreigner sets foot in Ukraine first he gets acquainted with our cookery – national dishes and meal-times. Frequently he gets to know that in this country they are nor the same as in his. But he has to do in Ukraine as the Ukrainians do.

The usual meals in Ukraine are breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Rest-homes, hospitals and other public establishments generally follow the former order of meals. But a number of Ukrainian families follow the latter order.

Breakfast is the first meal in the day. Lunch or luncheon is a light meal usually in the middle of the day.

Dinner is the chief and the most substantial meal. It isn’t served at a definite hour in our country. When it is in the middle of the day, the lighter evening meal is called supper.

Working people usually have a break for dinner at their place of employment. During the break they have either dinner or lunch.

In great many Ukrainian homes dinner is followed by a cup of tea with a slice of lemon, jam or home-made pastry.

If you have a special dinner, a housewarming party for example, you should know how to lay the table on such an occasion.

First you spread the table-cloth and put out table-mats to protect the table from the hot dishes: a tureen of soup, a bowl of hot vegetables, a platter of meat, a boat of sauce, etc. Then you take out of the drawer in the sideboard soup spoons for the soup, spoons for the sweet and all the cutlery – knives and forks, including a small knife for the butter, a small knife and fork for the hors d’oeuvres and a fruit knife for the dessert.

You should put the knives and the soup spoon on the right-hand side and the fork on the left, except the spoon for the sweet which you should put across the top. Then you put out the bread-board and a knife to cut the bread.

On the left of each guest you put a small plate for bread and on the right a wine-glass. Don’t forget to put out the table napkins for each guest and place several salt-cellars.

Once again have a look at the table and see if it is laid for each person. Then you are ready for the friends to come and don’t forget to put a bowl of beautiful flowers on the dinner table.

I remember my last receiving the guests. It was my birthday party. I had thought over the menu of that dinner-party before the guests came to my place. I began with hors d’oeuvres followed by a clear soup with meat pasties, the second course included chicken with rice and vegetables, salad and so on. Then ice-cream for the sweet, and fruit for dessert. And, of course, there was a nice cake with the candles lighted. What a lovely birthday party I have had!

Список слов к топику Meals.

hospitality – гостеприимство, радушие
a foreigner – иностранец
to set acquainted with – знакомиться, ознакамливаться
cookery – кулинария, стряпня
national dishes – национальные блюда
establishment – учреждения, заведение
substantial – существенный, важный, значительный
employment – работа, служба, занятие
home-made pastry – домашняя выпечка, домашние кондитерские изделия, пирожные
to lay the table – накрывать на стол
occasion – случай, возможность, событие
to spread – расстилать
to protect – защищать, ограждать
a tureen – супник, супница
a platter – деревянная тарелка
sauce – соус, приправа; гарнир из овощей
cutlery – ножевые изделия
hors d’oeuvre (snack) – закуска
for dessert – десерт, сладкое блюдо
a napkin – салфетка
a salt-cellar – солонка
receiving the guests – прием гостей
a menu – меню
a clear soup – бульон
a pasty, a pie – пирог
the second course – второе блюдо
a candle – свеча

to buy     meat at the butcher’s –покупать мясо в мясном магазине

sugar at the grocer’s – покупать сахар в бакалейном магазине

bread at the baker’s – покупать хлеб в булочной (хлебном магазине)

fish at the fishmonger’s – покупать рыбу в рыбном магазине

sweets at the confectionery  - покупать конфеты (сладости) в кондитерском магазине

fruit and vegetables at the greengrocer’s – покупать фрукты и овощи в овощном магазине

to buy food in the market – покупать пищу на рынке

vegetable stall – ларек с овощами

to haggle over the price of meat, fish, etc. (in the market) – торговаться на рынке

to do one’s cooking – готовить (пищу)

пятница, 22 ноября 2013 г.

Топик - British Meals.

Mimmi Hilton (Part 1)

This three-month-old restaurant has attracted attention because it is a restored, one hundred fifty-year-old mill. The decor is charming and warm in an Early American, country style. Although the tables and chairs are modern reproductions, there are enough authentic antique pieces at the entrance and on the walls to avoid the fake Disneyland look of some restorations.

The menu is also very American, though it is a bit too traditional for my taste. The menu also is very extensive, which always worries me because a large menu often means a large freezer. Although my dinner companions and I chose some things from the regular menu, we usually chose one of the day’s specials.

The most delicious main course we tried was the country stew which consisted of potatoes, carrots, peas, mushrooms, very tender beef, and – surprise! – some smoked pork sausage. Because top quality beef was used, it was unusually good. Among other well-prepared main courses was the fried chicken because it wasn’t cooked before and then re-heated. It was fresh and crisp.
The vegetables that came with the main courses were fresh but overcooked. The only exception was the string beans which were green and crisp (a mistake?).

Because the main courses are so large, there is really no need for an appetizer or soup. But for big eaters I can recommend the mixed salad. The clam chowder was tasty because it was home-made but it had no special distinction. The oysters on the half-shell were nicely served on a bed of ice, although I would prefer to have a better sauce for them.

If you can still eat dessert after all this plus rather good home-made bread and creamery butter, try the apple pie. The apples were juicy and firm and the pastry was light.

It’s hard to judge the service at this friendly restaurant. Because it was so crowded when I went, usually at 8 o’clock service was slow. The Reservation system doesn’t always work. On one occasion, someone took our reservation for dinner but didn’t have it when we arrived. This kind of thing can damage a restaurant’s reputation, although its food may be good.

New Fast Food Chain Arrives (Part 2)
The Nashville Super burger chain which started in the Tennessee city six years ago opened its first store here last weekend on Commerce Street between Grand and Taylor Streets. I was interested to see the connection between Nashville, the capital of country music and hamburgers. Would the burgers be Southern fried? Would they be served on biscuits or with grits? Would they be shaped like guitars? Well, I’ve been there twice and didn’t find any real difference between Nashville Super burgers and McDonald’s, Burger King or Wendy’s.

The place was so brightly lit that I wished I had brought my sun-glasses. Once I got used to the light I liked the green and orange decor, usually found in health food places. Because those colors mean yogurt and alfalfa sprouts, I felt good and almost healthy about having fast food. Also the place was spotlessly clean – almost antiseptic.

Although there were long lines, service was incredibly fast. The menu is limited to a variety of hamburgers, and prices are reasonable. I had the “Super-Duper-Burger” which was served with lettuce and tomato. Although the meat itself was rather gray and tasteless, the “secret relish” made it passable. The French fries were the best I’ve ever eaten at a fast food restaurant.

Everybody seemed to be drinking milkshakes, and although I usually shy away from them in fast food places I felt I should try one. It was thick and sweet – and there was probably not one drop of natural milk in it. Even though these may be low in cholesterol, I want the whole milk, real ice cream, and natural flavorings in my milkshakes. Although I am as concerned as anyone else about health, I’ll fight the cholesterol battle somewhere else.

Nashville Super burger is a sure bet when you’re downtown and in a hurry. I was in and out in ten minutes. It reminded me of a high-way filling station.
(from “American Streamline”)
Список слов к топику Eating out.
to attract attention – привлекать внимание
mill – мельница
charming – очаровательный
specials – фирменное блюдо
crisp – хрустящий
to judge – судить
occasion – случай, оказия
to damage – повредить, навредить
drop – капля

Топик - Eating out.

Mimmi Hilton (Part 1)

This three-month-old restaurant has attracted attention because it is a restored, one hundred fifty-year-old mill. The decor is charming and warm in an Early American, country style. Although the tables and chairs are modern reproductions, there are enough authentic antique pieces at the entrance and on the walls to avoid the fake Disneyland look of some restorations.

The menu is also very American, though it is a bit too traditional for my taste. The menu also is very extensive, which always worries me because a large menu often means a large freezer. Although my dinner companions and I chose some things from the regular menu, we usually chose one of the day’s specials.

The most delicious main course we tried was the country stew which consisted of potatoes, carrots, peas, mushrooms, very tender beef, and – surprise! – some smoked pork sausage. Because top quality beef was used, it was unusually good. Among other well-prepared main courses was the fried chicken because it wasn’t cooked before and then re-heated. It was fresh and crisp.
The vegetables that came with the main courses were fresh but overcooked. The only exception was the string beans which were green and crisp (a mistake?).

Because the main courses are so large, there is really no need for an appetizer or soup. But for big eaters I can recommend the mixed salad. The clam chowder was tasty because it was home-made but it had no special distinction. The oysters on the half-shell were nicely served on a bed of ice, although I would prefer to have a better sauce for them.

If you can still eat dessert after all this plus rather good home-made bread and creamery butter, try the apple pie. The apples were juicy and firm and the pastry was light.

It’s hard to judge the service at this friendly restaurant. Because it was so crowded when I went, usually at 8 o’clock service was slow. The Reservation system doesn’t always work. On one occasion, someone took our reservation for dinner but didn’t have it when we arrived. This kind of thing can damage a restaurant’s reputation, although its food may be good.

New Fast Food Chain Arrives (Part 2)
The Nashville Super burger chain which started in the Tennessee city six years ago opened its first store here last weekend on Commerce Street between Grand and Taylor Streets. I was interested to see the connection between Nashville, the capital of country music and hamburgers. Would the burgers be Southern fried? Would they be served on biscuits or with grits? Would they be shaped like guitars? Well, I’ve been there twice and didn’t find any real difference between Nashville Super burgers and McDonald’s, Burger King or Wendy’s.

The place was so brightly lit that I wished I had brought my sun-glasses. Once I got used to the light I liked the green and orange decor, usually found in health food places. Because those colors mean yogurt and alfalfa sprouts, I felt good and almost healthy about having fast food. Also the place was spotlessly clean – almost antiseptic.

Although there were long lines, service was incredibly fast. The menu is limited to a variety of hamburgers, and prices are reasonable. I had the “Super-Duper-Burger” which was served with lettuce and tomato. Although the meat itself was rather gray and tasteless, the “secret relish” made it passable. The French fries were the best I’ve ever eaten at a fast food restaurant.

Everybody seemed to be drinking milkshakes, and although I usually shy away from them in fast food places I felt I should try one. It was thick and sweet – and there was probably not one drop of natural milk in it. Even though these may be low in cholesterol, I want the whole milk, real ice cream, and natural flavorings in my milkshakes. Although I am as concerned as anyone else about health, I’ll fight the cholesterol battle somewhere else.

Nashville Super burger is a sure bet when you’re downtown and in a hurry. I was in and out in ten minutes. It reminded me of a high-way filling station.
(from “American Streamline”)
Список слов к топику Eating out.
to attract attention – привлекать внимание
mill – мельница
charming – очаровательный
specials – фирменное блюдо
crisp – хрустящий
to judge – судить
occasion – случай, оказия
to damage – повредить, навредить
drop – капля

Топик About animals.

Топик About animals.

A List of Animals
Aardvark (африканский муравьед, трубкозуб)
Addax - адда, антилопа мендес, антилопа пятнистоносая
Alligator - аллигатор
Alpaca - альпака
Anteater (муравьед)
Antelope - антилопа
Aoudad - гривистый (африканский) баран
Ape - человекообразная) обезьяна
Argali (горный баран)
Armadillo - армадилл, броненосец
Ass - осёл
Baboon - бабуин
Badger (барсук)
Basilisk - basilisk
Bat – летучая мышь
Bear - медведь
Beaver (бобёр, бобровый мех)
Bighorn - баран канадский снежный, толсторог
Bison - бизон
Boar - кабан, вепрь
Budgerigar - волнистый попугайчик
Buffalo - буйвол; бизон
Bull - бык
Bunny - кролик, зайчик
Burro - амер. ослик
Camel - верблюд
Canary - канарейка
Capybara - водосвинка.
Cat – кошка
Chameleon - хамелион
Chamois - серна
Cheetah - гепард
Chimpanzee – шимпанзе
Chinchilla - шиншила
Chipmunk - бурундук
Civet - виверра, циветта
Coati - коати, носуха обыкновенная
Colt - жеребёнок; тж. ослёнок, верблюжонок
Cony - кролик
Cougar - пума, кугуар
Cow – корова
Coyote - койот
Crocodile - крокодил
Crow - ворона
Deer – олень
Dingo - динго
Doe - самка оленя
Dog - собака
Donkey – ослик
Dormouse - соня
Dromedary - одногорбый верблюд, дромадер
Duckbill - утконос
Dugong - дюгонь, морское млекопитающее, разновидность морской коровы
Eland - антилопа канна
Elephant - слон
Elk - лось
Ermine – горностай
Ewe - овца
Fawn - молодой олень
Ferret - хорёк
Finch - названиемногих певчих птиц,преим. зяблик
Fish - рыба
Fox - лисица
Frog - лягушка
Gazelle - газель
Gemsbok - сернобык
gila monster - ящерица-ядозуб
Giraffe - жираф
Gnu - гну
Goat- козел
Gopher - мешотчатая крыса, гофер
Gorilla - горилла
grizzly bear – гризли медведь
ground hog - сурок лесной американский
Guanaco - гуанако
guinea pig - морская свинка
Hamster – хомяк
Hare - заяц
Hartebeest - коровья антилопа, бубал
Hedgehog - ежик
Hippopotamus - гиппопотам
Hog - свинья
Horse - лошадь
Hyena - гиена
Ibex - . каменный козёл
Iguana - игуанна
Impala - импала, антилопа пала
Jackal - шакал
Jaguar - ягуар
Jerboa - (африканский) тушканчик
Kangaroo - кенгуру
Kid - козлёнок.
Kinkajou - кинкажу, цепохвостый медведь
Kitten - котенок
Koala - коала
Koodoo - лесная антилопа, куду
Lamb - ягнёнок, барашек; овечка; перен. агнец
Lemur - лемур
Leopard - леопард
Lion - лев
Lizard - ящерица
Lama - лама
Lovebird - небольшой попугай
Lynx - рысь
Mandrill - мандрил (обезьяна)
Mare - кобыла
Marmoset - обезьянка, мартышка
Marten - marten
Mink - норка (животное и мех)
Mole - крот
Mongoose - мангуст
Monkey - обезьяна
Moose - американский лось
mountain goat – горный козел
Mouse - мышь
Mule - мул
musk deer - мускусный олень
musk-ox - овцебык, мускусный бык
Muskrat - ондатра
Mustang - мустанг

Newt - тритон
Ocelot - оцелот
Okapi - окапи
Opossum - опоссум
Orangutan - орангутанг
Oryx - антилопа бейза, сернобык
Otter - выдра
Ox - бык
Panda - панда
Panther - пантера; леопард; барс
Parakeet - длиннохвостый попугай
Parrot - попугай
Peccary - пекари (разновидностьамериканской дикойсвиньи)
Pig - свинья
Platypus - утконос
polar bear – белый медведь
Pony - понни
Porcupine- дикобраз
Porpoise - морская свинья; бурый дельфин
prairie dog - степная собачка
Pronghorn - вилорогая антилопа, вилорог
Puma - пума, кугуар
Puppy - щенок
Quagga - квагга
Rabbit - кролик
Raccoon - енот
Ram - баран
Rat - крыса
Reindeer - северный олень
Reptile - пресмыкающееся
Rhinoceros - носорог
Roebuck - самец косули
Salamander - саламандра
Seal - тюлень
Sheep - овца, баран
Shrew - землеройка
silver fox - чернобурая лисица
Skunk - вонючка, скунс
Sloth - лень, леность
Snake - змея
Springbok - зоол. прыгун, газель, антидорка
Squirrel - белка
Stallion - жеребец
Steer - молодой вол, бычок
Tapir - тапир
Tiger - тигр
Toad - жаба
Turtle - черепаха
Vicuna - викунья
Walrus - морж
Warthog - бородавочник

Weasel - ласка
Whale - кит
Wildcat – дикая кошка
Wolf - волк
Wolverine - росомаха
Wombat - вомбат
Woodchuck - сурок лесной.
Yak - як
Zebra - зебра
Zebu - зебу

Nursery Rhymes With Animal Sounds
Expand your students' cultural literacy by introducing them to these verses...

Bah, Bah a black sheep,
have you any wool?
Yes merry have I,
Three bags full.
One for my master,
One for my dame,
One for my little boy
That lives in the lane.

A farmer went trotting upon his grey mare,
Bumpety, bumpety, bump!
With his daughter behind him so rosy and fair,
Lumpety, lumpety, lump!
A raven cried, Croak! and they all tumbled down,...
Bumpety, bumpety, bump!
The mare broke her knees and the farmer his crown,...
Lumpety, lumpety, lump!
This mischievous raven flew laughing away,...
Bumpety, bumpety, bump!
And vowed he would serve them the same the next day,...
Lumpety, lumpety, lump!

Bow, wow, wow,
Whose dog art thou?
Little Tom Tinker's dog,
Bow, wow, wow.

This little pig went to market,
This little pig stayed home,
This little pig had roast beef,
This little pig had none,
And this little pig cried, Wee-wee-wee
All the way home.

There was a lady loved a swine,
Honey, quoth she,
Pig-hot, wilt thou be mine?
Hoogh, quoth he.
I'll build thee a silver stye,
Honey, quoth she,
And in it thou shall lye.
Hoogh, quoth he.
Pinned with a silver pin,
Honey, quoth she,
That thou may go out and in.
Hoogh, quoth he.
Wilt thou have me now,
Honey, quoth she,
Hoogh, hoogh, hoogh, quoth he,
And went his way.

Cat on the roof; bow, wow, says Towzer;
Don't hurt Puss, for she is a mouser.

Three little kittens they lost their mittens,
And they began to cry,
Oh, mother dear, we sadly fear
That we have lost our mittens.
What! lost your mittens, you naughty kittens!
Then you shall have no pie.
Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow,
No, you shall have no pie.
The three little kittens they found their mittens,
And they began to cry,
Oh, mother dear, see here, see here,
For we have found our mittens.
Put on your mittens, you silly kittens,
And you shall have some pie.
Purr-r, purr-r, purr-r,
Oh, let us have some pie.
The three little kittens put on their mittens,
And soon ate up the pie;
Oh, mother dear, we greatly fear
That we have soiled our mittens.
What! soiled your mittens, you naughty kittens!
Then they began to sigh,
Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow,
Then they began to sigh.
The three little kittens they washed their mittens,
And hung them out to dry;
Oh! mother dear, do you not hear
That we have washed our mittens?
What! washed your mittens, then you're good kittens,
But I smell a rat close by.
Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow,
We smell a rat close by.

Coo-oo, Coo-oo,
It's as much as a pigeon can do,
To maintain two;
But the little wren can maintain ten,
And bring them all up like gentlemen.

Топик -My Working Day.

Топик My Working Day.

I want to describe you my daily actions which I did, more or less regularly, on weekdays during my final year at school. There was little variation in my life then; all days except weekends looked very much the same.

On weekdays my working day began early in the morning. As a matter of fact, I am not an early-riser, that’s why I hate getting up early, but I got used to it, I usually got up at about 7 o’clock. Then I did my morning exercises and went to the bathroom to wash my face and hands with soap and clean my teeth with a toothpaste. I didn’t take a shower in the morning; I generally did it late in the evening before going to bed. As a rule, I had a quick light breakfast which consisted of a cup of coffee or tea, a boiled egg or an omelet and a cheese or sausage sandwich. After breakfast I put on my coat, took my bag and left for school.

As my school is not far from my house, it took me 10 minutes to get there. I never took a bus on my way to school, I usually walked there.

Six or seven lessons a day was the ordinary timetable. I seldom had lunch in the canteen, because I usually had packed one in my bag (an apple and a sandwich).

The classes at school were over at about three o’clock. Twice a week I stayed at school  later to play table-tennis or was busy with the English language cub.

When I came home my mother always had dinner ready just in time. Then I changed my school uniform and had a rest. While resting, I listening to the music or looked through the newspapers or magazines. Then I started doing my home assignments. I took me about five hours to cope with my homework properly. I normally finished doing my homework at 10 o’clock in the evening. So I hadn’t much time for television and friends, because I had to work hard at all the subjects during my final year at school. But sometimes I managed to see an interesting film.

I did well in most school subjects without any effort. Besides, I have managed to help my mother about the house and do our shopping, go to the library and have private lessons in English in order to improve it.

And I must admit that school life was a very interesting page of my life. I had good friends at school and some lessons were interesting.

After supper I usually relaxed for some time and then went on with my homework.

As a rule, I went to bed at about 11 o’clock or even later.

Список слов к топику My Working Day

daily actions – ежедневные действия
more or less – более или менее
final – заключительный, последний
variation – изменение, отступление
regularly – регулярно
weekdays – рабочие дни, будни
weekend, days off – выходные дни
as a matter of fact – дело в том, что; фактически, собственно говоря.
to get used (to) – привыкать
to take a shower – принимать душ
to consist of – состоять из
boiled egg – вареное яйцо
on one’s way (to) – по дороге в
ordinary – обычный
timetable – расписание (уроков)
canteen – столовая
packed lunch – завтрак (упакованный)
twice – дважды
to listen to – слушать
to look through – просматривать
home assignment – домашнее задание
to cope with – справляться
properly – должным образом
normally – обыкновенно, нормально
to do well – хорошо учиться
without any effort – без какого-либо усилия
to improve – улучшать
I must admit – я должен отметить, признать
to relax – расслабиться, отдыхать
to go to bed – ложиться спать
Word List and Word-Combinations on the Subject “My Working Day”:

to wake up – просыпаться, пробуждаться
to get up – вставать
to do one’s morning exercises – делать утреннюю зарядку
to put on one’s slippers – одевать тапочки
to put on one’s dressing gown – одевать халат
to take (have) a cold (hot) shower – принимать холодный (горячий) душ
to comb one’s hair – расчесывать волосы
to wash one’s face and hands with a soap – мыть лицо и руки мылом
to clean one’s teeth with a toothpaste – чистить зубы зубной пастой
to dress, to put on smth. – одеваться
to make a bed – застилать постель
to have breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper) – завтракать (ланч, обедать, ужинать)
to leave for school – уходить в школу
to take a bus – садиться на автобус
to take a taxi – взять такси
to walk, to go on foot – идти пешком
to finish one’s work – закончить работу
to have a break – иметь перерыв
to come home – прийти домой
to rest -  отдыхать
to have a rest – (немного) отдохнуть
to watch TV – смотреть телевизор
to listen to the music – слушать музыку
to be short of time (to be pressed for time) -  быть ограниченным во времени
to be late for – опаздывать на
to have a practice in – тренироваться, практиковаться
to play the piano (the guitar, the violin) – играть на пианино (гитаре, скрипке)
to have a good time – хорошо провести время
to fall asleep – заснуть
Additional Expressions:

What are your duties about the house? – Какие Ваши домашние обязанности?

First of all I tidy up the rooms: make the bed, dust the things in it, clean the carpet with the vacuum cleaner, polish tge floor with floor-polisher – Прежде всего я убираю комнаты: застилаю кровать, вытираю пыль, чищу ковер пылесосом, натираю пол полотером.

How do you help your parents about the house? – Как Вы помогаете родителям по дому?

I lay the table, clean the dishes, wash up, vacuum the mats and the carpets, do shopping, water the flowers, do some cooking. – Я накрываю (на) стол, убираю посуду со стола, мою посуду, чищу пылесосом половички и ковер, делаю покупки, поливаю цветы, готовлю пищу.

to do (to clean) the room (flat, house) – убирать комнату (квартиру, дом)

to do shopping (ironing, washing) -  делать покупку (гладить белье, заниматься стиркой)

to brush one’s clothes (shoes) -  чистить щеткой одежду (обувь)

to sweep -  подметать

to wash clothes (linen) -  стирать одежду (белье)

to wash up – мыть посуду

to iron linen – гладить белье

to press clothes (not linen) – утюжить одежду (не белье)

to repair, to put right – чинить, ремонтировать

Топик - Аbout myself.

Топик about myself.

Before I start talking about my family let me introduce myself. I am [your name]. I am [your age]. I have left school this year (last year). I was born in [your city].

And now I am going to tell you about my family. We are a family of five. We are a small and friendly family. And we are happy to be living together and are getting on all right.

To begin with, I am going to talk first about my father. His name is Sergey. He is 45. He works as a surgeon in a hospital. He is neither, nor young. He is a good-looking man, handsome, rather thin with dark brown hair just beginning to go grey. He is a very sociable person. What I don’t like about my dad is that he is always busy. Very often he works overtime. He is a bread-maker in our family. He is fond of going to the country on week-ends, because he enjoys working in the garden.

My mother’s name is Anna. She is three years younger than my father. She works as a teacher at a nursery school. My mother is rather slim and pretty, she is always elegant and smart. In short, she is a pleasant-looking woman of about 40. She always has a lot of work to do both at work and about the house. She is fond of her work and spends a lot of time there. But she has to cook the food for all the family at home. Shopping and cooking is nearly half a day’s work for her. But my granny and I are in habit of helping her about the house.

Alex is my elder brother. He is six years senior to me. So he is 23 already. He has graduated from the University and he is an economist by profession now. Alex is married. His wife is a journalist. They are three in the family. They have got a child, my nephew. It is a lovely little boy of two with golden hair and dark brown eyes and a spirit that is always bright and happy, full of joy and gaiety.
And finally a few words about my granny. To tell you the truth, she is my best friend. She always listens to my endless stories about my friends and my school life. She is retired on pension now but in her youth and her older age she worked as a teacher in a school. I must admit, she is a very understanding person.

Put it into a few words, we are a united and friendly family.

Список слов к топику about myself.
To introduce oneself – представлять кого-то, знакомиться
To leave school – заканчивать школу
To graduate from the University – заканчивать университет
A surgeon – хирург
Handsome – красивый (о мужчине)
Sociable – общительный
To work overtime – работать сверхурочно
A bread-maker – кормилец
To be fond of – нравиться, любить
Slim – стройный, изящный
Pretty – хорошенькая, симпатичная (о женщине)
Elegant – элегантный
Smart -  хорошо одетый, модный, изящный
To be in (to have) a habit of doing smth. – иметь привычку (обыкновение) чем-то заниматься
Senior – старший, старше
Junior – младший
To be married – быть женатым (замужем)
Nephew – племянник
Gaiety – веселость
Endless – нескончаемый
To be retired on pension – находиться на пенсии

Relatives by birth:
A family – семья
Parents – родители
A mother (mum) – мать (мама)
A father (dad) – отец (папа)
A son – сын
A daughter – дочь
A sister – сестра
A brother – брат
A grandfather – дедушка
A grandmother – бабушка
A great-grandfather – прадедушка
A great-mother – прабабушка
A grandson – внук
A granddaughter – внучка
Grandparents – бабушка и дедушка
Grandchildren – внуки
An uncle – дядя
An aunt – тетя
A nephew – племянник
A niece – племянница
A cousin – двоюродный брат (-ая сестра)

Relatives by marriage
A husband – муж
A wife – жена
A father-in-law – тесть, свекор
A mother-in-law – теща, свекровь
A son-in-law – зять (муж дочери)
A daughter-in-law – невестка (жена сына)
A brother-in-law – деверь (муж сестры)
A sister-in-law – золовка (жена брата)
A stepfather – отчим
A stepmother – мачеха
An adopted child – приемный ребенок
An orphan – сирота
A widower – вдовец
A widow – вдова
Twins – близнецы
To be married – быть женатым (замужем)
To get married – жениться (выходить замуж)
divorce – развод, разведенный
Divorcee – разведенная
Single – холост, не замужем
Descendant – потомок
Direct descendant – прямой потомок
Hereditary – потомственный, традиционный в семье
Heir – наследник
Progeny – поколение, потомство
Relatives – родственники
(one’s flesh and blood – родственник)

Additional Words and Expressions:
What’s your name - Как Вас зовут?
What’s your first name - Как Вас зовут?
What’s your surname? - Как Ваша фамилия
What’s your last name     -      Как Ваша фамилия ?

What are you? – Кто Вы (по профессии)?

What’s your occupation? – Чем Вы занимаетесь?

How old are you? – Сколько Вам лем?

When were you born? – Когда Вы родились?

I was born on the 30th of May, 1986 – Я родилась 30 мая 1986 года.

Have you any sisters or brothers? – У Вас есть братья или сестры?

Is your (sister, brother) younger or elder than you? – Ваша (сестра, брат) младше или старше Вас?

I am the only child in the family – Я единый ребенок в семье.

I have neither brother nor sister – У меня нет ни брата, ни сестры

What does he (she) look like? – Как он (она) выглядит?

He is handsome. – Он красивый (о мужчине)

She is beautiful.- Она красивая (о женщине)

She is pretty (charming) – Она хорошенькая, симпатичная.

She is like her mother (father) – Она похожа на свою мать (своего отца)

She (he) has a noble look – у нее благородный вид.

She (he) looks like her (his)    father (mother) – Она (он) похож (-а) на своего (свою) отца (мать)

They look like – Они похожи друг с друга.

She (he) is so unique – Она (он) неповторима

She (he) is so tactful – Она (он) так тактична (тактичен)

Her (his) charm is irresistible – Ее (его) обаяние неотразимо.

She (he) is energetic – энергичная (ый)

Sharp-minded – смышленая

Emotionally stable – эмоционально уравновешенная (ый)

She (he) is ….

Aggressive – агрессивная (ый)

Generous – щедрая (ая)

Talented – талантливая (ый)

Sensitive – чувствительная (ый)

Good-hearted – добросердечная (ый)

Simple – hearted – простодушная (ый)

Empty-headed – пустоголовая (ый)

Cheerful – веселая (ый)

Intelligent – умная (ый)

Educated – образованная (ый)

Awkward – неуклюжая (ый)

Shy – застенчивая (ый)

Easy-going -  покладистая (ый)

Brave – храбрая (ый)

Stubborn – упрямая (ый)

Envious – завистливая (ый)

Sophisticated – с утонченным вкусом
Where are you from? -  Откуда Вы родом?

What country are you from?

What is your nationality? – Кто Вы по национальности?

I am Ukrainian (Russian, English, American) – Я украинка (русская, англичанка, американка)

Is your family large (small)? – У Вас большая (маленькая) семья?

How many persons are there in your family? – Из скольких человек состоит Ваша семья?

We are a family of four – Наша семья состоит из четырех

Are you related to her? – Она Ваша родственница?

What is your address? – Какой у Вас адрес?

What is your phone number? – Какой у Вас номер телефона?

What are your hobbies? – Какие у Вас хобби?

What do you enjoy most? – Что Вы любите больше всего?

I am a loner. I don’t like a noisy crowd. – Я люблю одиночество. Я не люблю шумную толпу.

What kind of education did you get? – Какое Вы получили образование?

Did you get a diploma (certificate)? – Вы получили диплом (сертификат)?

What is your favorite subject?Какой у Вас любимый предмет?

Are you doing well? – Вы хорошо учитесь?

When did you leave school? – Когда Вы закончили школу?

What are you going to be? – Кем Вы хотите стать?