пятница, 22 ноября 2013 г.

Топик - My bedroom.

Топик My bedroom.

At night when I feel tired and sleepy, I go up to my bedroom and switch on the electric light. I take off my shoes, undress and put on my pajamas. Then I get into bed and switch off the light.

After a few minutes I fall asleep the whole night through. Punctually at seven-thirty in the morning, the alarm-clock rings and wakes me up. I get out of bed, put on my dressing-gown and slippers, and go into the bathroom, where I turn on the hot and cold taps. While the water’s running into the bath, I wash my face and neck, clean my teeth and shave. My shaving things are on the shelf above the basin. Then I turn off the taps and have my bath. Sometimes I have a shower. When I’ve dried myself with a towel, I get dressed.

On the dressing-table in front of the looking-glass, you’ll see a hair-brush and comb, a hand-mirror, a bottle of scent and a powder-box. These, of course, don’t belong to me, but to my wife. In the chest of drawers I keep clean linen such as shirts, collars and handkerchiefs, besides things like socks and ties. The dirty linen is put in a linen basket and send to the laundry. In the wardrobe I keep my suits and other clothes, which I hang on coat-hangers.
(from “London Linguaphone Course”)

Список слов к топику 
My bedroom

punctually – точно, пунктуально
looking-glass – зеркало
bottle of scent – флакон духов
powder-box – пудреница
collar – воротник
handkerchief – носовой платок
laundry – прачечная

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