суббота, 16 ноября 2013 г.

Adjectives and Adverbs. Degrees of comparison.

Отройте скобки, используя прилагательные и наречия в нужной форме:

1    I like living in the country. It's a lot ...more peaceful.. (peaceful) than the city
2    I felt very  ill last week, but I'm slightly.......(good) now.
3    I can't hear you. Could you speak a little..... (loud) please?    
4    Steven is.....(tall) boy in the basketball team.
5    This computer is very old. I need something ..... (modern).    
6    The new library is far ..... (close) to my house than the old one.
7    Jane's new haircut makes her look ..... (attractive).    
8    This jacket was by far ....... (expensive) in the shop.

Ответы к упражнению:

1. more peaceful
2. better
3. louder
4. the tallest
5. more modern
6. closer
7. more attractive
8. the most expensive

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