пятница, 15 ноября 2013 г.

Упражнения по теме "Видовременные формы английского глагола" (с ответами)

1. Translate into Russian.

1 . The skates haven’t been brought back. 
2 . At the station he was met by the man from the travel bureau. 
3 . I am often invited to the theatre. 
4 . This book was translated into French. 
5 . The work was being done from 4 till 5 yesterday. 
6 . The truth had been told. 
7 . A new medicine was prescribed by the doctor. 
8 . The large shopping centre is being built in our town. 
9 . We will be invited to his place, I’m sure. 
10 . The teacher was interrupted. 
11 . The telegram was received yesterday. 
12 . America was discovered by Columbus. 
13 . The letters have been typed by the secretary. 
14 . Tennis was being played from 4 to 5 yesterday. 
15 . The dishes are often washed by me. 
16 . Your luggage will be brought by the porter. 
17 . The text was translated at the last lesson. 
18 . All the texts were looked through yesterday and not a single mistake had been found. 
19 . The doctor will be sent for.

2. Open the brackets using the Passive Voice.

1 . The telegram (receive) tomorrow. 
2 . I (give) a very interesting book last week. 
3 . He always (laugh at) 
4 . Nick (invite) to the conference last week. 
5 . Flowers (sell) in the shops. 
6 . This text (translate) from 5 p.m. till 7 p.m. yesterday. 
7 . Our mother already (give) a present. 
8 . The letter (send) before they arrived. 
9 . His new book (finish) by next year. 
10 . Many houses (burn) during the fire. 
11 . Doctors (give) a new pay rise by the government. 
12 . Usually I (pay) my salary twice a month. 
13 . Switch on the radio. The President’s speech (broadcast) now. 
14 . My husband just (offer) an interesting job in this firm. 
15 . For two years Tyler (tell) that his brother was dead. 
16 . The injured man couldn’t walk and had (carry). 
17 . She (ask) to come here tomorrow, too. 
18 . The museum (not open) by last April. 
19 . Brian told me he (rob) in the street. 

Правильные ответы:

1. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Коньки еще не вернули. 
2. На вокзале его встретил человек из бюро путешествий. 
3. Меня часто приглашают в театр. 
4. Эта книга была переведена на французский язык. 
5. Работу выполняли вчера с 4 до 5. 
6. Правду рассказали. 
7. Новое лекарство было назначено врачом. 
8. Новый торговый центр строится в нашем городе. 
9. Нас пригласят к нему, я уверен. 
10. Учителя перебили во время разговора. 
11. Телеграмму получили вчера. 
12. Америка была открыта Колумбом. 
13. Письма были напечатаны секретарем. 
14. В теннис играли вчера с 4 до 5. 
15. Посуду обычно мою я. 
16. Ваш багаж отнесет носильщик. 
17. Этот текст был переведен на прошлом уроке. 
18. Все тексты просмотрели вчера, и ни одна ошибка не была обнаружена. 
19. За врачом послали.

2. Раскройте скобки, используя страдательный залог.

1. will be received 
2. was given 
3. is always laughed 
4. was invited 
5. are sold 
6. was being translated 
7. has already been given 
8. had been sent 
9. will have been finished 
10. were burnt 
11. has been given 
12. am paid 
13. is being broadcasted 
14. has been offered 
15. had been told 
16. been carried 
17. will be asked 
18. had not been opened 
19. had been robbed 

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