суббота, 16 ноября 2013 г.

Future Simple / Going to

Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках, используя  Future Simple или Going to:
1    A: Have you finished your essay yet?
      B: No, but I'm sure I ..... (finish) it on time.

2    A: I have decided what to wear for the party.
      B: Really? What ..........(wear), then?

3    A: Why do you need hot soapy water?
      B: Because I..........    (wash) the car.

4    A: Did you post those letters?
      B: No, I forgot. I.........(post) them this afternoon.

5    A: Did you book a table at the restaurant?
      B: Yes, but I don't expect it...........(be) busy.

6    A: I'm hungry.
      B: Me too. I..........    (make) us something to eat.

7    A: What are you doing this weekend?
      B: Oh, I..........(probably/visit) my grandparents.

8    A: Look at that dog!
      B: Oh yes! It ............(swim) across the river.

9    A: Tony is nearly eighteen, isn't he?
      B: Yes. He ...............(work) for his father when he leaves school.

10    A: Are you going into town today?
        B: Yes. I...........(give) you a lift if you like.

11    A: Your shirt is dirty.
        B: Oh dear! I............(change) into another one.

12    A: I hope we ............(not/arrive) late for the meeting.
        B: Don't worry. There's plenty of time.

13    A:  I'm really thirsty after all that hard work.
        B: I............(make) some tea.

14    A:  Did you give Steve his present?
        B: No. I ............(give) it to him tonight at dinner.

15    A: Watch out! You...............    (bang) your head on the doorframe.
        B: Oh! I didn't realise it was so low.

Ответы к упражнению:

  1.  will finish
  2. are going to wear
  3. am going to wash
  4. will post
  5. will be
  6. will make
  7. will visit
  8. is going to swim
  9. is going to work
  10. will give
  11. will change
  12. will not arrive
  13. will make
  14. am going to give
  15. will bang

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