суббота, 16 ноября 2013 г.

Future Tenses №2

Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках, используя the Future Simple, the Present Simple, the Present Perfect:
A   My car is being repaired and I don't know when it 1) ...will be... (be) ready. I doubt whether I 2)    
................ (be able to) collect it before the weekend. I wonder if John 3) .............(give) a lift to the party on Saturday. I'll ask him when he 4)...............(come) home.

В   I was calling to ask if you'd like to go out after we 1)............(finish) work tomorrow or if you 
2)...............(want) to watch a video instead. Call me back as soon as you 3)..............(get) in.
I'll wait until I 4).............(hear) from you.

С   I will leave the hotel early in case there 1)...........  (be) a lot of traffic. I don't know how long the journey2)...............(take) or what time the plane 3) ....... (land), but I 4)..............(call) you as soon as I 5)............(arrive) at the airport. Then, I will wait until you 6)............(come) to collect me.

D   Paula is drinking tea as she is waiting for Charles. She wonders if he 1)...........(be) late as usual.
She will wait until the clock 2)................(strike) five and then she will call him in case he 3)..........(forget).

Ответы к упражнению:

A 1. will be
2.will be able to
3.will give
4. comes

B 1. finish
2. want
3. get
4. hear

C 1. is
2. will take
3. will land
4. will call
5. arrive
6. come

D 1. will be
2. strikes
3. has forgotten

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