суббота, 16 ноября 2013 г.

Future Tenses №4

Откройте скобки, используя формы глаголов, выражающие будущее действие:
Next month, Maggie 1) ...is going... (go) to Australia to visit her sister, who she hasn't seen for fifteen years. The plane 2)............(leave) early in the morning and 3).......... (stop off) at Singapore before flying on to Sydney. It 4).............(be) a very long, tiring journey, but Maggie is very excited because this time next month, she 5)..............(begin) her adventure on the other side of the world. She 6)..............(stay) in Australia for one month. She has booked her flight, so she 7)..............(fly) back to Britain on 31st May. She hopes that she 8)...............(visit) lots of fascinating places and seen many interesting things by the time her holidays are over.

Ответы к упражнению:

1. is going
2. leaves
3. stops
4. will be
5. will be beginning
6. is going to stay
7. is flying
8. will have visited

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