суббота, 16 ноября 2013 г.

Modal Verbs №2

Дополните предложения модальными глаголами can/can't, must/mustn't, needn't, have to:
1 A:    Is Jason at work today?
   B:    He ...can't... be. His car isn't in the car park.

2 A:    I can't do my German homework. It's too difficult. 
   B:    I'll help you. I............speak German.

3 A:    I'm going to watch television.
   B:    Alright, but you .............stay up too late.

4 A:    We............book a taxi to take us to the airport.
   B:    I'll do it now.

5 A:    I didn't know Rachel was in the choir.
   B:    Oh yes. She..............sing beautifully.

6 A:    Shall I cook dinner tonight?
   B:    No, you.............We're going to a restaurant.

7 A:    Has Tim bought a car yet?
   B:    He............have. I saw him on the bus yesterday.

8 A:    She..........be very rich.
   B:    Yes. She's got a huge house and an expensive car.

9 A:    I did the washing-up for you.
   B:    Oh, you.............have, but it was kind of you.

10 A:    Would you like to come to my party on Saturday night?
    B:    I'd like to, but Mum says I .............visit my grandparents.

Ответы к упражнению:

  1. can't
  2. can
  3. mustn't
  4. must/have to
  5. can
  6. needn't
  7. can't
  8. must
  9. needn't
  10. have to

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